February 10, 2025



A Beginner’s Guide to Budgeting: Steps to Take Control of Your Finances in the New Year

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budget basics

Creating your first budget is an essential step in building wealth and achieving financial freedom. While it might seem intimidating at first, budgeting can be simple with the right guidance and tools. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you start budgeting effectively and stay on track with your financial goals.

1. Importance of Budgeting

Budgeting is the foundation of financial success. It provides clarity, control, and permission to spend intentionally. Here’s why it matters:

  • Builds Wealth: Budgeting is a critical step in managing money effectively and growing your savings.
  • Simplifies Finances: By allocating every dollar a purpose, budgeting reduces stress and financial chaos.
  • Empowers Spending: A budget gives you the freedom to spend within your means without guilt.

2. Personal Experience with Budgeting

For many, starting a budget can feel restrictive. One speaker shared their journey:

  • Overcoming Resistance: Initially, they disliked budgeting due to a free-spirited spending nature.
  • Finding Freedom: Over time, they realized that not having a budget was more stressful than sticking to one.
  • Gaining Control: After a few years of consistent budgeting, they discovered that it provided both freedom and financial control.

3. Steps to Create a Budget

Starting your first budget is easier than you think. Follow these steps to get started:

  • Step 1: List Income: Include all sources, such as salaries, part-time jobs, side hustles, alimony, or child support.
  • Step 2: List Expenses: Begin with essentials like food, transportation, shelter, and utilities, then add necessary costs like insurance and childcare.
  • Step 3: Create a Zero-Based Budget: Subtract expenses from income to ensure every dollar is accounted for. Adjust categories if expenses exceed income.
  • Step 4: Track Transactions: Use tools like the Every Dollar app to monitor spending and stay on track throughout the month.
  • Step 5: Plan Monthly: Create a new budget each month, adjusting for varying income and expenses. Always plan ahead before the month starts.

4. Importance of Giving and Miscellaneous Categories

A complete budget includes categories for giving and unexpected expenses:

  • Giving: Building generosity into your budget fosters good character and a habit of helping others.
  • Miscellaneous: Accounting for unexpected costs prevents overspending in other areas.

5. Adjusting Budgets Monthly

No two months are the same, and your budget should reflect those differences:

  • Variable Income: Adjust your budget for months with higher or lower earnings.
  • Special Events: Plan ahead for holidays, birthdays, or seasonal expenses.
  • Regular Review: Reviewing and adjusting your budget ensures it aligns with your current financial situation.


Creating your first budget is the gateway to financial stability and freedom. By listing your income and expenses, tracking transactions, and adjusting monthly, you’ll gain control over your finances and achieve your goals. Start today with the Every Dollar app, and share these tips with others who want to begin their budgeting journey!


  • You can catch me in the morning on Coffee with Kem and Hills, or Friday nights on The Wine Down. We talk about what happens with personal finances on a daily basis, or what effects women and their money the most.

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